Best ever rocky road

Serves Icon
Time 03 Hours 05 Minutes
  • 180g dark chocolate, roughly chopped e.g. Nestle Plaistowe Dark Chocolate
  • 360g milk chocolate, roughly chopped e.g. Nestle Plaistowe Milk Chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 125g unsalted almonds, roasted
  • 200g marshmallows (vanilla and raspberry)
  • 100g raspberry lollies or snakes, chopped small

How to Make It
Step 1

Line the base of a rectangle 3cm deep slice or brownie pan with a large sheet of baking paper. I used a 20 x 34cm Brownie pan for this recipe.

Step 2

Place the dark chocolate, milk chocolate and coconut oil in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan half filled with simmering water. Use a metal spoon to stir every 30 seconds until fully melted.

Step 3

Meanwhile, arrange the almonds, marshmallows and chopped raspberry lollies to be evenly spread out in the prepared baking tray.

Step 4

Pour the melted chocolate over the almonds, marshmallows and raspberry lollies to coat. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until firm.

Step 5

Remove from the fridge and cut into squares to serve – buon appetito!

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